Alberto CONSOLARO, Renata Bianco CONSOLARO
Keywords: Orthodontics-endodontics. Endodontic treatment-orthodontics. Periapical diseases-orthodontics. Orthodontics-dental trauma.
Matheus Melo PITHON
Carlos Alexandre CÂMARA, Ildeu ANDRADE JR., Carlos Jorge VOGEL, Sissy Maria Mendes MACHADO
Josiane Xavier de ALMEIDA, Mauren Bitencourt DEPRÁ, Mariana MARQUEZAN, Luciana Borges RETAMOSO, Orlando TANAKA
Keywords: Acrylic resins. Orthodontic brackets. Shear bond strength.
Marco Abdo GRAVINA, Ione Helena Vieira Portella BRUNHARO, Cristiane CANAVARRO, Carlos Nelson ELIAS, Cátia Cardoso Abdo QUINTÃO
Keywords: Orthodontic archwires. Dental movement. Copper. Nickel. Titanium. Physical properties.
Paulo Roberto dos SANTOS-PINTO, Lídia Parsekian MARTINS, Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JÚNIOR, Dirceu Barnabé RAVELI, Cristiane Celli Matheus dos SANTOS-PINTO
Keywords: Angle Class II malocclusion. Orthopedics. Growth and development.
Maurício Barbosa Guerra da SILVA, Bruno Cabús GOIS, Eduardo Franzotti SANT'ANNA
Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography. Digital dental radiography. Interventional radiography.
Marisana Piano SEBEN, Fabricio Pinelli VALARELLI, Karina Maria Salvatore de FREITAS, Rodrigo Hermont CANÇADO, Aristeu Correa BITTENCOURT NETO
Keywords: Corrective Orthodontics. Cephalometry. Retrospective studies. Tooth extraction.
Osama Hasan ALALI
Keywords: Orthodontic appliance design. Functional orthodontic appliances. Angle Class II malocclusion.
Roberto Hiroshi MATSUI, Julio Cezar de Melo CASTILHO, Luiz César de MORAES, Mônica Fernandes GOMES, Kurt FALTIN JÚNIOR, Miriam Yumi MATSUI
Keywords: Growth and development. Cervical vertebrae. Radiography.
André Pinheiro de Magalhães BERTOZ, Derly Tescaro Narcizo de OLIVEIRA, Carla Maria Melleiro GIMENEZ, André Luiz Fraga BRISO, Francisco Antonio BERTOZ, Eduardo César Almada SANTOS
Keywords: Dental primer. Scanning electron microscopy. Orthodontic brackets.
Alexandre Antonio RIBEIRO, Ariane Vicente de MORAIS, Daniel Paludo BRUNETTO, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS, Monica Tirre Souza de ARAUJO
Keywords: Shear bond strength. Dental restoration. Dental bonding.
Jairo Curado de FREITAS, Olavo César Porto LYRA, Ana Helena Gonçalves de ALENCAR, Carlos ESTRELA
Keywords: Tooth resorption. Cone beam computed tomography. Corrective orthodontics.
Milena Peixoto Nogueira de SÁ, Jacqueline Nelisis ZANONI, Carlos Luiz Fernandes de SALLES, Fabrício Dias de SOUZA, Uhana Seifert Guimarães SOUZA, Raquel Sano Suga TERADA
Keywords: Articular cartilage. Angle Class III malocclusion. Mandibular condyle.
Leanne Matias Portela LEAL, Marcus Vinicius Neiva Nunes do REGO, Cosme José Albergaria da SILVA FILHO, Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Mauricio de Almeida CARDOSO
Keywords: Growth. Malocclusion. Cleft lip.
Gustavo Mattos BARRETO
Keywords: Class II malocclusion. Anterior open bite. Orthodontic compensation.
Eduardo Franzotti SANT'ANNA, Adriana de Alcantara CURY-SARAMAGO, Geórgia Wain THI LAU, John W. POLLER, Álvaro A. FIGUEROA
Keywords: Distraction. Maxilla. Midface.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 07:53