Ana Cláudia Amoras ALVES
Keywords: Cementum. Hypercementosis. Tooth movement. Root resorption.
David NORMANDO, David TURPIN, Frederico SALLES, José Nelson MUCHA, Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Telma Martins de ARAÚJO
Luana Paz SAMPAIO, Dirceu Barnabé RAVELI, Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Denise Rocha Goes LANDÁZURI, Savana de Alencar MAIA
Keywords: Herbst appliance. Anchorage system. Mixed dentition. Orthodontics. Cephalometry.
Eliziane COSSETIN, Selma Hissae S. da NÓBREGA, Maria Goretti Freire de CARVALHO
Keywords: Finite Elements Method. Orthodontics. Tensions.
Luiz Sekio TANAKA, Cássia Cilene DEZAN, Karen Barros Parron FERNANDES, Flaviana Bombarda de Andrade FERREIRA, Luiz Reynaldo de Figueiredo WALTER, Alcindo CERCI NETO, Silvia Fernandes CHADI
Keywords: Asthma. Malocclusion. Child. Adolescent.
Cristiane CANAVARRO, José Augusto Mendes MIGUEL, Cátia Cardoso Abdo QUINTÃO, Myrna de Faria Magalhães TORRES, Juliana de Paiva Moura FERREIRA, Ione Helena Vieira Portella BRUNHARO
Keywords: Interceptive orthodontics. Angle Class II malocclusion. Diagnosis.
Keywords: Soft profile. Normal occlusion. Amazonians.
Jucienne Salgado RIBEIRO, Aldrieli Regina AMBROSIO, Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Isabella Almeida SHIMIZU, Roberto Hideo SHIMIZU
Keywords: Transverse changes. Intercanine width. Intermolar width. Facial pattern.
Leticia Vilaça Willeman BASTOS, Ricardo de Souza TESCH, Odilon Victor Porto DENARDIN
Keywords: Facial growth. TMD. Malocclusion.
Omar Gabriel da SILVA FILHO, Naiara Jordão Souza PARTEIRA, Tulio Silva LARA, Francisco Antônio BERTOZ
Keywords: Age determination by skeleton. Orthodontics. Bone development.
Francisco Marcelo Paranhos PINTO, Luciana Baptista Pereira ABI-RAMIA, Andrea Sasso STUANI, Maria Bernadete Sasso STUANI, Flavia ARTESE
Keywords: Palatal expansion techniques. Vertical dimension. Interceptive orthodontics.
Vivianne da Cunha Barbosa SANTO, Daniela GARIB, Hélio SCAVONE JR, Rívea Inês FERREIRA
Keywords: Deciduous dentition. Malocclusion. Preventive orthodontics.
Maria Christina de Souza GALVÃO, João Ricardo SANTO, Edvaldo Capobiango COELHO
Keywords: Biostatistics. Dahlberg error. Method error. Linear regression analysis.
Paulo Estevão SCANAVINI, Luiz Renato PARANHOS, Fernando César TORRES, Maria Helena Ferreira VASCONCELOS, Renata Pilli JÓIAS, Marco Antonio SCANAVINI
Keywords: Dental arch. Abnormalities. Growth and development. Anatomy and histology. Malocclusion.
Gustavo Adolfo WATANABE-KANNO, Jorge ABRÃO
Keywords: Dental occlusion. Malocclusion. Orthodontics.
Roberto Carlos Bodart BRANDÃO
Keywords: Crossbite. Ectopic. Corrective orthodontics.
Jonas CAPELLI JUNIOR, Rhita Cristina Cunha ALMEIDA
Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthognathic surgery. Psychosocial impact.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 07:10