Keywords: Osteocytes. Mechanotransduction. Tooth movement. Sclerostin. RANKL.
Luiz Fernando ETO, Valéria Matos Nunes de ANDRADE
Keywords: Orthodontics practice. Orthodontics in Minas Gerais state. Orthodontics in Brazil.
Matheus Melo PITHON, Rogério Lacerda dos SANTOS, Wagner Sales ALVIANO, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS, Mônica Tirre de Souza ARAÚJO
Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthodontic appliances. Streptococcus mutans. Candida albicans. Palatal expansion technique.
Fabio SCHEMANN-MIGUEL, Flávio COTRIM-FERREIRA, Alessandra Motta STREVA, Alexander Viégas de Oliveira Aguiar CHAVES, Andréia COTRIM-FERREIRA
Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthodontic wires. Qualitative analysis.
Andréa Fonseca Jardim da MOTTA, José Nelson MUCHA, Margareth Maria Gomes de SOUZA
Keywords: Smile. Dental esthetics. Perception.
Érika de Oliveira Dias de MACÊDO, Fabrício Mezzomo COLLARES, Vicente Castelo Branco LEITUNE, Susana Maria Werner SAMUEL, Carmen Beatriz Borges FORTES
Keywords: Ligatures. Elastomers. Color. Elasticity.
Rúbia Vezaro VANZ, Lilian RIGO, Angela Vezaro VANZ, Anamaria ESTACIA, Lincoln Issamu NOJIMA
Keywords: Mouth breathing. Orthodontics. Speech therapy.
Sabrina de Mendonça INVERNICI, Ivan Toshio MARUO, Elisa Souza CAMARGO, Thais Miyuki HIRATA, Hiroshi MARUO, Odilon GUARIZA FILHO, Orlando TANAKA
Keywords: Primer. Adhesion. Shear adhesive strength.
Karine Evangelista Martins ARRUDA, José VALLADARES NETO, Guilherme de Araújo ALMEIDA
Keywords: Mandibular symphysis. Gender. Facial type. Facial balance.
Carolina BARATIERI, Roberto ROCHA, Caroline CAMPOS, Luciane MENEZES, Gerson Luiz Ulema RIBEIRO, Daltro RITTER, Adriano BORGATO
Keywords: Arch shape. Superelastic NiTi archwire. Arch length. Incisor tipping.
Ângela Jeunon de ALENCAR E RANGEL, Vinícius de Magalhães BARROS, Paulo Isaias SERAIDARIAN
Keywords: Snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea. Occlusal plates.
Gilberto Vilanova QUEIROZ, José RINO NETO, João Batista de PAIVA, Jesualdo Luís ROSSI, Rafael Yagüe BALLESTER
Keywords: Corrective Orthodontics. Orthodontic brackets. Friction.
Marcelo do Amaral FERREIRA, Marco Antônio LUERSEN, Paulo César BORGES
Keywords: Nickel-titanium wires. Thermoelasticity. Shape memory alloys. Superelasticity.
Antônio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS, Matheus Melo PITHON, Rogério Lacerda dos SANTOS
Keywords: Corrective Orthodontics. Canine tooth. Malocclusion.
Marcos André dos Santos da SILVA, Edmundo MÉDICI FILHO, Julio Cezar de Melo CASTILHO, Cássia T. Lopes de Alcântara GIL
Keywords: Divine Proportion. Class II malocclusion. Cephalometry.
Eduardo MACHADO, Patricia MACHADO, Renésio Armindo GREHS, Paulo Afonso CUNALI
Keywords: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome. Temporomandibular joint disorders. Craniomandibular disorders. Temporomandibular joint. Orthodontics. Dental occlusion.
Kádna Fernanda Mendes de OLIVEIRA, Mário VEDOVELLO FILHO, Mayury KURAMAE, Adriana Simoni LUCATO, Heloisa Cristina VALDHIGI
Keywords: Palatal expansion technique. Corrective orthodontics. Malocclusion.
Rodrigo Castellazzi SELLA, Marcos Rogério de MENDONÇA, Osmar Aparecido CUOGHI, Tien LI AN
Keywords: Tooth movement. Periodontal ligament. Periodontium.
Daniella Torres TAGAWA, Carolina Loyo Sérvulo da Cunha BERTONI, Maria Angélica Estrada MARI, Milton REDIVO JUNIOR, Luís Antônio de Arruda AIDAR
Keywords: Angle Class III malocclusion. Cephalometrics. Headgear appliances. Maxillary expansion.
Djalma Roque WOITCHUNAS, Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Franciele ORLANDO, Fábio Eduardo WOITCHUNAS
Keywords: Diagnosis. Angle Class II malocclusion. Cranial circumference.
Claudia Trindade MATTOS, Mariana MARQUEZAN, Isa Beatriz Barroso Magno CHAVES, Diogo Gonçalves dos Santos MARTINS, Lincoln Issamu NOJIMA, Matilde da Cunha Gonçalves NOJIMA
Keywords: Class I Angle malocclusion. Dental extraction. Dental esthetics. Facial profile.
Luiz Fernando ETO, Valéria Matos Nunes de ANDRADE
Keywords: Orthodontics practice. Orthodontics in Minas Gerais state. Orthodontics in Brazil.
Matheus Melo PITHON, Rogério Lacerda dos SANTOS, Wagner Sales ALVIANO, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS, Mônica Tirre de Souza ARAÚJO
Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthodontic appliances. Streptococcus mutans. Candida albicans. Palatal expansion technique.
Fabio SCHEMANN-MIGUEL, Flávio COTRIM-FERREIRA, Alessandra Motta STREVA, Alexander Viégas de Oliveira Aguiar CHAVES, Andréia COTRIM-FERREIRA
Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthodontic wires. Qualitative analysis.
Andréa Fonseca Jardim da MOTTA, José Nelson MUCHA, Margareth Maria Gomes de SOUZA
Keywords: Smile. Dental esthetics. Perception.
Érika de Oliveira Dias de MACÊDO, Fabrício Mezzomo COLLARES, Vicente Castelo Branco LEITUNE, Susana Maria Werner SAMUEL, Carmen Beatriz Borges FORTES
Keywords: Ligatures. Elastomers. Color. Elasticity.
Rúbia Vezaro VANZ, Lilian RIGO, Angela Vezaro VANZ, Anamaria ESTACIA, Lincoln Issamu NOJIMA
Keywords: Mouth breathing. Orthodontics. Speech therapy.
Marcio Costa SOBRAL
Keywords: Facial asymmetry. Orthodontics. Angle Class III malocclusion.
Telma Martins de ARAÚJO, Lílian Martins FONSECA, Luciana Duarte CALDAS, Roberto Amarante COSTA-PINTO
Keywords: Orthodontics. Diagnosis and planning. Dental casts.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 08:21