Adriano Marotta ARAÚJO, Weber José da Silva URSI
The aim of this investigation was to determine if type of malocclusion (I X II) influences the transversal dimensions of the upper and lower arches. One hundred and twenty study models were collected, 60 with Class I malocclusion and 60 with Class II , with slyth mandibular crowding (0 - 3 mm), equally devided according to sex, upper and lower transverse dimensions between canines, first premolars, second premolars and first molars were measured. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the transverse dimensions of the two malocclusion with little crowding. Other enviromental factors (respiratory pattern, habits, tongue position and function) must influence these measurements for they are decressed in relation to the normal occlusion values found by HOWE et al.
Keywords: Class I and Class II. Transverse dimension. Intermolar distance. Intercanine distance.
Sunday, December 29, 2024 00:00