Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JUNIOR, Joel Claudio da Rosa MARTINS, Márcia Regina E. A. S. GANDINI
The present research was carried out with the object of evaluating the cephalometric results after treatment in which Kloehn extrabucal cervical traction and fixed appliances were used. The study involved 75 patients with alterations resulting from normal growth with Class II, division 1 malocclusion. Forty five patients received treatment with face bow and fixed apparatus. The control group was composed of 30 individuals. Both groups presented the same characteristics at the beginning of evaluation, when initial (T1) and final (T2) cephalometric telerradiographs were compared. At the beginning of treatment, the average age was 10.23 years for the control group, and 11,04 years for the treated group, with an interval of analysis (T1-T1) of 1.35 and 3.61 years, respectively. The results were analyzed by means of traditional cephalometric measurements, and cephalometric points in relation to coordinators X and Y, obtained at the base of the cranium. The results of treatment and alterations of growth were annualized and compared using the student “t” and Man-Whitiney U tests. After studying the data, we concluded that the treatment significantly restricted growth of the maxilla to the anterior, shown by the decrease of the SNA angle, a lesser horizontal dislocation of the “A” point and the anterior nasal spine. The Palatine plane revolved clockwise, on an average of 0.14 degrees per year. The ante-posterior relationship of the osseous bases, showed definite improvement, with marked reduction of skeletal measurements. The mandibular base was not significantly influenced by the treatment.
Keywords: Cephalometry. Malocclusion of Angle Class II. Extrabucal traction appliances.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:22