
Fechamento Ortodôntico do Diastema entre Incisivos Centrais Superiores durante a Dentadura Mista: Relato de um Caso Clínico

Guilherme R. P. JANSON, Cláudia Catão Alves da SILVA, José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES, Marcos Roberto de FREITAS, Décio Rodrigues MARTINS

Orthodontic treatment during the mixed dentition presents several difficulties due to the continuous craniofacial growth changes on the occlusion and face. A thorough knowledge of the normal developmental pattern is necessary to avoid unnecessary therapy during this transitional period. In order to establish a correct diagnosis and therapy of a specific problem the orthodontist should recognize its etiology. One of the aspects of this transitional phase, that usually concerns the parents, is the ugly duckling stage. Therefore, the objectives of this article is to describe the normal characteristics of this aspect and how to differentiate it from other abnormal situations that requires orthodontic intervention such as the case that is presented.

Keywords: Mixed dentition. Transeptal fibers. Median diastema.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:00