Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Omar Gabriel da SLVA FILHO, Terumi Okada OZAWA, Arlete de Oliveira CAVASSAN
The Straight-wire technique uses programmed or individually built brackets for each tooth with the aim of aligning the teeth appropriately at the end of the treatment. Since its introduction Andrew’s original purpose predicated the Standard brackets to be used in a large number of patients and also the necessity of using different prescription that consider the kind of malocclusion, the treatment to be adopted and the desired or the best position of the teeth at the end of the treatment, that is the individualization of the appliance. The normality concepts and the orthodontic possibilities were reviewed since the 70’s, when its definitions were formulated, and now deserve a review. This review will be the aim of this article.
Keywords: Straight-wire. Individualization. Brackets prescription.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:44