Renata Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Arnaldo PINZAN, Renato Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Célia Regina Maio PINZAN
Root resorption represents one of the largest concerns of the ortodontist that longs for a well happened therapeutic, once the prevalence of this problem range from 95% to 100% of the orthodontically treated cases. However it is known that evem the nonorthodontically treated patients are susceptible to root resorption. The root resorption studies reveals the complexity of this pathology and attempt to investigate the etiologic factors involved in the root resorption process. The radiographic evidence of root resorption before orthodontic treatment appoint a limitation for orthodontic treatment. The present article reviews some literature considerations related to root resorption, stands out the importance of a detailed orthodontic records and report a clinical case.
Keywords: Orthodontic records. Orthodontic treatment. Root resorption.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:07