
Pendulum/Pend-X Appliance Modification. Its Description and Construction Techniques

Renato Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Marcio Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Acácio FUZIY, José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES

This paper aims to present a modification in the Pendulum/Pend-X appliance construction in view of helping forward the springs’ activation and reactivation mechanics to distalize the upper molars. Related to the possibility of intrabuccal springs removal and subsequent activation out of oral cavity can be found the greatest advantage seen with this modification. In the original Pendulum appliance, simultaneously intrabuccaly activations are done with the use of two pliers. This is hard to accomplish due to reduced access, provoking lesions in the vellum palatinum mucosa and lack of molars movement control. Therefore, the appliance should be removed and reactivated out of oral cavity, and subsequently cemented again. It this way in the modified apparatus the springs are activated extrabuccaly, allowing a more precise evaluation of preactivation bends and providing a better control during molars distalization.

Keywords: Treatment of Class II. Maxillary molars distalization. Pendulum-Pend-X appliance.

Saturday, December 28, 2024 22:31