
Mouthguards: The necessary protection

Graziela De Luca CANTO, Joecí de OLIVEIRA, Sandra Márcia HAYASAKI, Mariane CARDOSO

Injures to the teeth and jaws occur frequently during sports and contact games. While there is a increasing awareness among the general public of the importance of preventive dentistry, only too few individuals appear aware of the avoidable damage that can occur to their teeth and to surrounding tissues by a impact to their face while participating in a contact sport. Thousands of children and adolescents are participating in this highly physical athletic contest without the benefit of protective mouthguards. Mouthguards are usually made from vinyl and rubber. They are used to protect teeth and the periodontal supportive tissue against traumatism that happen during sports practice. There are different kinds of mouthguards. Some can be found at sports shops and some are tailored and made by the dentist. They have advantages and disadvantages and some their characteristics will be showed at this poster. We also will show the mouthguard technique made at the dental office, that is the best kind to patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances.

Keywords: Mouthguards. Traumatism.

Saturday, December 28, 2024 22:54