Marcelo Marotta ARAÚJO, José Roberto Sá LIMA, Weber URSI, Antenor ARAÚJO
The aim of this research was to verify the accuracy of the surgical prediction tracing compared to the immediate post-operative cephalometric radiographs. Records of 15 Caucasian adult patients, aged between 15 and 44 years, subjected to orthognathic surgery for correction of the long face syndrome, were analyzed. All patients were operated by the same surgecon. Predictive and post-operative positions of the maxilla were compared with linear measurements. The results were submitted to descriptive statistical analyses. It was concluded that quantitatively, there were significant differences between the predicted and the post-operative maxillary positions. However, the method of prediction tracing was qualitatively valid to help in planning the vertical and saggital surgical movements.
Keywords: Le Fort I. Long Face Syndrome. Orthognatic Surgery. Cephalometric Prediction Tracing.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 22:56