Nilse Regina Waltrick KÖHLER
This article has the purpose to accomplish a bibliographic review of the vast field of craniofacial biology, analysed into a inter/multidisciplinary approach, since several specialties are - directly or indirectly - involved with the morphofunctional normalization of the human face.This article intends to bring means to broaden the fundamental knowledge that support the therapy of myofunctional disorders, which affect the human face.The review of literature does not comprise all possible subjects. Mainly it aims to inform and warn health professionals about the urge for the continuation of this particular kind of research, because it takes specialities to a more ample context of craniofacial biology. We believe that this is the only way to introduce a newer and broader paradigm concerning the correct ways to prevent and treat the myofunctional disorders of the face, once Speech-Language Therapy as well as all other medical specialties are involved in the morphofunctional rehabilitation of the human face.
Keywords: Facial growth and development. Miofunctional disorders. Morphofunctional rehabilitation of the face. inter/multidisciplinary approach.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 10:03