Francisco Ajalmar MAIA, Nair Galvão MAIA
Independent of malocclusion presented by the patients, dental transposition is a severe anomaly, since orthodontic treatment is very difficult to do through the reversal of the position of the transposed teeth. The opportunity to successfully treat various cases of transposition, orthodontically correcting the normal order of the teeth in the arch, in many types of transposition, in both maxillaries, has made the publication of this article possible. This work discusses the factors to be considered in the treatment approach to the transposition of the lower canine-lateral incisor teeth, presenting two of these cases, in which different alternatives of orthodontic treatment are presented for each case, and the choice of approach of the treatment for each specific situation is justified.
Keywords: Transposition. Tooth transposition. Dental transposition.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:12