
Orthodontic Wires

Júlio de Araújo GURGEL, Adilson Luiz RAMOS, Stephen D. KERR

The effectiveness of orthodontic tooth movement requires the appropriate interaction of treatment mechanics as they relate to the teeth and periodontal structures of the patient. The orthodontic wire action is particularly dependent upon the proper relationship of its structural and mechanical characteristics. In the more traditional archwire sequence, stainless steel is used in the alignment and leveling step followed by progressively larger wire sizes and forces. For a long time stainless steel wires prevailed in orthodontics, but since the 1960’s, new metallic alloys have diversified the choice of available orthodontics wires. These alloys have been modifying the treatment protocol by shortening chair time and most mechanical aspects of treatment. The unique properties of each one of these alloys permit their use in most phases of orthodontic treatment, largely replacing the use of the classic stainless steel archwires. This article reviews some concepts, properties and clinical application of these new materials.

Keywords: Metallic alloy. Orthodontic wire.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:08