Sílvia Regina PIEROTTI
The importance of breast-feeding to the baby’s normal growth and facial development and, consequently, to the prevention of facial myofunctional dysfunction is frequently stated in the literature. Thus, my objective was to investigate the relation between: milkfeeding – orthognathic development – oral functions and habits. I evaluated 150 children of both sexes attending private schools in the city of São Paulo, with the purpose of researching the influence of the type of milk-feeding with occlusion, oral functions and habits. The results showed that the children who were exclusively breastfed or who were breast-fed during at least 6 months did not develop suction habits, or if they did, they lasted shorter in comparison to the children who were not breast-fed or who were breast-fed for a period shorter than 6 months. The results did not show a significant relationship between type and duration of milk-feeding and: acceptance of solid food, respiratory problems, resting position of the lips, occlusion, position of the lips during mastication and swallowing pattern.
Keywords: Breast feeding. Fingersucking. Maloclusion. Mastication. Swallowing pattern.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 10:52