
Radiographic Analysis of the Dental Angulations Upper Central Incisors Permanent in Patient with Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate

Alexandra Sárzyla MEDEIROS, Marcia Ribeiro GOMIDE, Beatriz COSTA, Cleide Felício de Carvalho CARRARA, Lucimara Teixeira das NEVES

Anatomical modifications due to cleft lip and palate are increased in the area of the alveolar cleft. The purpose of this study was to analyse the dental angulation in this site. Thirty postero anterior mandible radiographs of operated unilateral cleft lip-palate patients was analysed. The measurements of the angle formed between long axis of the upper central incisor permanent ridge left and midline of the face were done as reported by Molsted et al8, 1993. The results showed that the angle of upper central permanent area of the alveolar cleft was - 22,16º for female and -19,07º for male. Non cleft side showed 7,91º for female and 5,84º for male, similar to the normal values.

Keywords: Unilateral. Cleft lip and palate. Dental angulation. Posteroanteior radiograph.

Sunday, December 29, 2024 00:07