Mônica NACAO, Gladys Cristina DOMÍNGUEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Marcelo Melo SOARES
The aim of this paper was to review the literature with regard to distraction osteogenesis (DO). Although the first paper regarding this topic has been published in 1973, only in the 90’s this technique became more popular. Thenceforth several authors carried out experimental studies and tried it clinically with the intent to improve the results of conventional orthophedic surgeries for the treatment of facial deformities. DO is based on widely studied, solid biological and biomechanical principles. This procedure has demonstrated to be very useful for the treatment of severe facial deformities.
Keywords: Distraction osteogenesis. Dentofacial deformities. Pierre Robin anomaly. Treacher Collins syndrome. Craniofacial microsomia.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:52