
Solitary Bone Cyst: A Case Report

Cássio Edvard SVERZUT, Petrus Pereira GOMES, Alexander Tadeu SVERZUT, Adriana Luisa Gonçalves de Almeida TOZETTO

Since 1992 the WHO (World Health Organization) has proposed the denomination “solitary bone cyst” for a lesion described firstly by Blum in 1932. Usually is discovered in routine radiographs, as periapical x-ray. Is an uncommon lesion, corresponding 1,1% of overall cysts in the jaws. The radiograph shows a unique radiolucent area in the most of cases. The etiology is uncertain, many teories have tried to explain it, but unsucesfully. There are basically two forms of management: 1) periodic clinic and radiograph evaluation; 2) surgical exploration. For the precise diagnosis might be necessary the surgical approach. This article is a review about this lesion and we discuss a case of solitary bone cyst in the mandible.

Keywords: Solitary Bone Cyst. Mandible.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:57