
Mastication in the Intertransitional Period of Mixed Dentition

Andréa Rodrigues MOTTA, Henrique Olavo de Olival COSTA

Mastication is one of the most important functions of the stomatognatic system and essential for the rehabilitation process related to the oral function field. Many studies have been published discussing this subject but none of them has described mastication in mixed dentition. During this period, many changes occur in the oral cavity. The present study aimed at describing the findings of the evaluation of mastication during a specific phase in mixed dentition: the intertransitional period, which lasts about a year and a half. The first permanent molars, the central and lateral incisors, also permanent, the primary canines and the first and second primary molars can be found in the oral cavity during this period. Thirty-four children were evaluated, 13 girls and 21 boys from a private school in Belo Horizonte. The results were: frontal bite (91,18%); alternate bilateral chewing with vertical and rotatory jaw movements (85,29%); medium chewing pace changing from 16,95 to 28,23 seconds (52,94%); medium volume of food taken (70,59%); no food in the vestibule (94,12%); no noise (100%); lips sealed during the function (67,65%); symmetric masseteric muscles (97,06%); symmetric temporal muscles (100%). Through this study, it was possible to note that mastication in the intertransitional period of mixed dentition is stable, can be seen with the same characteristics described in literature for the chewing pattern considered mature and doesn’t present differences between male and female.

Keywords: Myofunctional therapy. Orofacial myology. Mastication. Mixed dentition.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:12