Maria Inês Maciel A. PROCACI, Saturnino Aparecido RAMALHO
This present work is a literature review about the asymmetric growth of the face, due to mandibular shift as a result of dental interference and the muscular activity influence in the asymmetries. The purpose is recognizing distinction among asymmetries caused by functional shifts and asymmetries by skeletal changings, which may have genetic or congenital components, or being developed as a consequence of traumas and fractures compromising the mandibular growth. Concluding, the functional unilateral crossbite must be intercepted as soon as possible to reestablish the neuromuscular equilibrium, providing functional movements adequate to craniofacial harmony in growth and development. Congenital and/ or genetical asymmetries must be correctly diagnosed to avoid inefficient or wrong treatments.
Keywords: Facial Asymmetry. Malocclusion. Muscular Contraction Orthodontics.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:02