
The use of PAR index in assessing the outcome of the orthodontics treatments of the Orthodontic Clinic of Rio de Janeiro State University

José Augusto Mendes MIGUEL, Anderson de Albuquerque CALHEIROS

The great diversity of criterias used by different clinicians unables the comparison of orthodontic treatment results, mainly if research is involved. The PAR index (Peer Assessment Rating), elaborated in England in 1987, seems to supply this deiciency, and its validity and reproducebility have been proved in several published papers. It is used to quantify the malocclusion and the result of the treatment. In the present study, the PAR index was applied in initial and inal study models of two-hundred and twelve consecutive patients treated in the Orthodontic Clinic of Rio de Janeiro State University, with the aim of evaluating the results of these treatments. By comparing the initial score of the index to the one obtained by the end of treatment, the level of succes was evaluated. The results showed that more than 95% of the cases had an excellent inal result, with a reduction over 70% in the values of the PAR index, and the cases with a high initial PAR score showed a greater improvement.

Keywords: Treatment outcome. Occlusal indices. PAR index.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:43