
The first study about heredity related to dental resorptions in Orthodontics: a critical analysis of Newman´s work

Alberto CONSOLARO, Maria Fernanda MARTINS-ORTIZ, Renata Bianco CONSOLARO

Four articles stand out when analyzing literature concerning root resorption in Orthodontics and heritability: Newman, Harris, Kineret, Tolley and Al-Qawasmi et al. e Al-Qawasmi et al.. Although Newman´s study was pioneer on the matter, it could not prove or show strong evidence relation between dental resorption and heritability. The author acknowledges himself that there were methodological laws. Its main problem was that short roots were included in the sample regardless of the cause inclusive those naturally short. Moreover, an unspeciic and subjective criterion was used to diagnose short roots. Finally, the small number of families and generations studied does not permit to afirm conclusively. Parents and children were analyzed in only 17 pedigrees. There was no preoccupation standardizing malocclusions, facial types, root and alveolar crest morphology, diagnosis, treatment plan, used technique nor professionals involved. In the conclusions a genetic potential was considered the main cause for root resorption on short roots, not based on any evidence provide by the results. Recently, it has been shown that short roots are more likely to concentrate force on the periodontal ligament with a higher possibility of damaging the cementoblastic layer and therefore present more root resorption.

Keywords: Root resorption. Dental resorption. Genetic predisposition. Heritability. Orthodontic movement. Induced tooth movement.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:08