
Heredity and susceptibility to radicular resorption in Odontology do not base: methodological and interpretative repeatedly published mistakes can generate false truths.


The study of Al-Qawasmi et al. published in August 2003 on Journal of Dental Research, aimed to establish a candidate gene for heritability and genetic predisposition to external root resorption in orthodontic patients. This paper, however, presents and repeated some methodological faults and equivocated interpretation of the previous study of March 2003, published on the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. On its conclusions, Al-Qawasmi et al, afirm having obtained data that are suggestive and preliminary yet in need of further studies to conirm their indings. The results are correlated based on studies related to some bone syndromes associated to resorption of dental structures by substitution, cervical external root resorption, but not associated with external apical root resorption (EARR) in orthodontics. The supposed gene of EARR was not determined nor its heritable nature. Not even a susceptibility to EARR was detected or proved. The analysed paper and related studies ignored that in order to occur any EARR, the cementoblastic layer must be destroyed and that is only possible under the action of local agents. A critical review of these studies related to the theme allows one to understand that trying to ind the supposedly called “EARR gene” and its susceptibility through mediators and clastic cells demonstrates an incomplete knowledge of the speciicities of the cementoblast and the etiopathogenic mechanisms of Root Resorption, which are indispensable to establish an hypothesis of study on the subject.

Keywords: Dental resorption. Root resorption. Genetics. Susceptibility. Heritability. Induced tooth movement. Orthodontic movement.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:06