Adilson Luiz RAMOS
Kurt FALTIN JR., Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JR., Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Marco Antonio ALMEIDA
Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Ricardo Fabris PAULIN, Ana Cláudia Moreira MELO, Lídia Parsekian MARTINS
Keywords: Nasopharyngeal obstruction. Facial growth. Adenoid hypertrophy.
Rosemári Fistarol DANIEL, Orlando TANAKA, Luiz Renato C. ESSENFELDER
Keywords: Mouth Breathing. Posteroanterior cephalometric. Diagnosis.
Luciana de Paula GONTIJO, Enio Tonani MAZZIEIRO, Janes LANDRE JÚNIOR
Keywords: Orthodontic brackets. Straight-wire. Base of the bracket.
Vera Lúcia COLOMBO, Alexandre MORO, Régis RECH, Janaína VERONA, Gilce C. Alves da COSTA
Keywords: Facial frontal analysis. Orthodontics. Facial aesthetics.
Paulo Eduardo NEGREIROS, Vânia Célia Vieira de SIQUEIRA
Keywords: Cefalometry. Orthodontics. Diagnosis. Natural Head Position.
Gerson U. RIBEIRO, Daniela G. THYS, Orlando TANAKA, Arno LOCKS, Marina L. SÓRIA
Keywords: Spaces closure. Gingival clefts. Transeptal fibers.
Alexandre Trindade Simões da MOTA, Samira RODRIGUES, Cátia C. Abdo QUINTÃO, Jonas CAPELLI JR.
Keywords: Mesiodistal width. Bolton’s Analysis. Tooth discrepancy.
Lídia Parsekian MARTINS, Ary dos Santos PINTO, Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JÚNIOR, Ana Claudia Moreira MELO, Renato Parsekian MARTINS
Keywords: Cephalometrics. Class II. Extraoral. Kloehn.
Walter Leal de MOURA, Thaís Cristina Araújo MOREIRA, João Batista Mendes TELES
Keywords: Tractioning. Restrainment. Canine restrainmed.
Alcion Alves SILVA, João Luiz CARLINI, Solena Ziemer KUSMA
Keywords: Chemical control. Oral microflora. Orto surgery.
Adriano Marotta ARAUJO, Peter H. BUSCHANG
Keywords: Craniofacial growth. Maxillary expansion. Mandibular expansion.
Renato Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Daniela Gamba GARIB, Renata Rodrigues de ALMEIDA-PEDRIN, Marcio Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Arnaldo PINZAN, Marisa Helena Zingaretti JUNQUEIRA
Keywords: Diastema. Labial frenum. Etiology. Orthodontic treatment.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 08:57