
The effects of functional appliances in the maxilla and mandibular transverse dimension

Adriano Marotta ARAÚJO, Peter H. BUSCHANG

While the effects of functional appliances on the antero-posterior and vertical dimensions have been well studied, the literature pertaining to their transverse effects is limited and has not previously been synthesized. Buccal muscular pressure, periostal traction, and tongue repositioning are some of the proposed mechanisms by which transverse jaw dimensions could change during treatment. Various studies have reported transverse dental arch changes, but the effects appear to be dependent on the functional appliance used. Based on a systematic review of the literature, the purpouse of this paper are: 1) evaluated the proposed mechanisms that influence the transverse dimensions during treatment and 2) summarizes the clinical effects of various functional appliances on transverse jaw dimensions.

Keywords: Functional appliance. Maxillary expansion. Mandibular expansion. Class II malocclusion.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 02:50