
Cephalometric characteristics assessment of long face pattern

Mauricio de Almeida CARDOSO, Francisco Antonio BERTOZ, Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Sílvia Augusta Braga REIS

This study aimed to determine cephalometric characteristics of long face pattern patients in comparison to Class I pattern patients. A total of 73 lateral norm telerradiographs, 34 long face pattern and 39 Class I pattern individuals, were selected and compared with regards to facial morphology, not considering occlusal and sagital relationships. Additionally, evaluations were also made on facial growth pattern, anterior and posterior facial heights, maxillarymandibular relationship, as well as apical bases relationship and dental characteristics. In short, long face pattern individuals presented a large number of deviations compared to Class I pattern individuals, dysplasia being due to a disproportion among vertical components. It was observed that the values of variables TAFH, LAFH, TAFHperp, LAFHperp, 1-PP, 6-PP, 1-MP, SNB, ANB, goniac angle, mandibular plane angle, and the proportions among the facial heights were significantly altered in long face pattern individuals. Based on the results obtained from the present study, it has been verified that those individuals were characterized by the vertical growth pattern and by an increase of anterior and inferior facial height, the deformity being located below the palatal plane. It was also possible to verify a maxillary and mandibular retrognathism, as well as the presence of anterior (upper and lower) and posterosuperior dental extrusion, with apical incisors in apical base, and linguoclinated lower incisors.

Keywords: Cephalometry. Corrective orthodontics. Deformities. Long Face Pattern.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 02:32