
Film vs. digital photography: is the difference noticeable?

André Wilson MACHADO, Dauro Douglas OLIVEIRA, Eugênio Batista LEITE, Ângela Maria Quintão LANA

The interest in applying digital photography in orthodontics has increased significantly in recent years. This system presents some properties that make it an interesting alternative to the traditional analogic cameras routinely used in the orthodontic field. However, a number of professionals still question if the digital images quality is comparable to that obtained with analogic photos. Therefore, some orthodontists have not incorporated digital photography to acquire clinical images in their offices. The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of digital and analogical orthodontic photographs and evaluate the ability of the clinicians to differentiate between both types of images. The sample consisted of twenty photographs (ten digital and ten analogical) that followed the American Board of Orthodontists standards. All pictures were taken by the same operator. They were printed in professional photographic paper and submited for evaluation by 5 Orthodontics` professors and an equal amount of orthodontic residents. The evaluators were asked to determine if the images were obtained by digital or analogical cameras, and to grade the quality of each photograph in a zero to five scale. The data recorded was submitted to statistical tests and the results showed no significant diferences in the frequency of errors in ideintifying both types of photographs (p > 0,05). The mean quality value for digital photos was 4.07 and 3.49 for analogic images (p < 0,001). The results of this study indicate that the quality of digital photography is within the standards required for their application to clinical orthodontics.

Keywords: Photography. Digital photography. Photography in Orthodontics.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:13