Adilson Luiz RAMOS
Orlando CHEVITARESE, Antônio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS
Adilson Luiz RAMOS, Claudenir ROSSATO, Marcos LENZA, Orlando Ayrton de TOLEDO, Jorge FABER
Keywords: Computerized tomography. Teeth tipping. Orthodontics.
Antonio Adilson Soares de LIMA, Ana Maria Trindade GRÉGIO, Orlando TANAKA, Maria Ângela Naval MACHADO, Beatriz Helena Sottile FRANÇA
Keywords: Ulcer. Traumatism. Inflammation. Orthodontics. Anti-inflammatory.
Renata Rodrigues de ALMEIDA-PEDRIN, Arnaldo PINZAN, Renato Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Marcio Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES
Keywords: Maxillary splint and Bionator appliances. Class II, division 1. Orthopedics.
Jurandir A. BARBOSA, Carolina S. Barbosa CARAM, Hideo SUZUKI
Keywords: Vertical control. Dentoalveolar process. Transpalatal arch. Intrusion. Class II maloclusion.
Paula Vanessa Pedron OLTRAMARI, Daniela Gamba GARIB, Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira CONTI, José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES, Marcos Roberto de FREITAS
Keywords: Facemask therapy. Rapid maxillary expansion. Skeletal prognatism. Mesiocclusion.
Marcos Gabriel do Lago PRIETO, Eduardo Alvares DAINESI, Márcia Yuri KAWAUCHI
Keywords: Ultrasound. Dental movement. Bone remodeling.
Osvaldo Tatsuo YAMAGUTO, Maria Helena Ferreira VASCONCELOS
Keywords: Dental size. Normal occlusion. Dental measurement.
Hewerson Santos TAVARES, João Roberto GONÇALVES, Ary dos Santos PINTO, Abrão RAPOPORT
Keywords: Skeletal Class III. Facial Profile. Orthognathic surgery.
José Alberto MARTINELLI FILHO, Liliana Ávila MALTAGLIATI, Fábio TREVISAN, Cássia Teresinha Lopes de Alcântara GIL
Keywords: Reproducibility. Cephalometry. Statistics.
Paulo Roberto Aranha NOUER, Darcy Flávio NOUER, Ivana Uglik GARBUI, Zeferino Yutaka MIYAMURA, Orivaldo TAVANO, Ynara Bosco de Oliveira LIMA-ARSATI
Keywords: Cephalometry. Black people. African continental ancestry group. Orthodontics.
Rachel de Mattos GARCIA, Cristiane Aparecida de Assis CLARO, Rosana Villela CHAGAS, Gerval de ALMEIDA
Keywords: Thickness of the alveolar process. Malocclusion. Face type. Iatrogenic loss.
Leniana Santos NEVES, Cíntia Maria de SOUZA E SILVA, José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES, Rodrigo Hermont CANÇADO, Rafael Pinelli HENRIQUES, Guilherme JANSON
Keywords: Lasers. Orthodontics. Dentistry.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 08:20