Vivian Lys L. OLIBONE, Antônio Sérgio GUIMARÃES, Joao Yates ATTA
Objective: to verify the efficiency of the mandibular propulsor orthopedic appliance Twin Block in the mandibular growth. Methodology: systematic review of literature since 1970. Results and Conclusions: the majority of the authors agreed with a significant reduction of the SNA angle with retroclination of the upper incisors, an increase of the SNB angle with proclination of the lower incisors and there was a positive tissue response on the TMJ during the use of the appliance. The alterations were the combination of modifications on the condyle, the mandibular fossa, the basal bone and dentoalveolar alterations. The exact role of the structures depend on a multiplicity of factors in each individual such as morphogenetic pattern, age, gender, functional pattern, control of the appliance and habits, among others.
Keywords: Twin Block. Mandibular growth. Condylar growth. Functional orthopedic. Class II malocclusion.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:10