Fábio TREVISAN, Cássia Teresinha Lopes Alcântara GIL
Aim: to evaluate the facial profile in photographs taken from leucoderms Brazilian young, with normal occlusion. Methods: 58 photographic profiles from 23 young males and 35 young females, with mean age 16.03 +- 2.04, presenting 4 within the 6 keys of Andrews normal occlusion. Photographs were judged by 21 students an 2 orthodontic graduate professors. Furthermore, photogrametrics were made. Results and Conclusion: it was found that a natural normal occlusion is not an indicative of facial beautifulness, as 28% of all profiles were judged not attractive. It was noticed that all values found were close to the values reported in the revised literature, leading to the conclusion that photogrametric values only are not able to detect facial beauty.
Keywords: Profile. Photography. Photogrametry. Occlusion.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:59