Alexandre Medeiros VIEIRA, Rodrigo Generoso CARLOS, Anderson Vieira de PAULA, José Roberto Santos BOTHREL, Mônica Costa ARMOND, Adair RIBEIRO
Aim: to discover the existence of differences in the maxilla length ( Co-A) among individuals of the male and female genres, leucoderms, presenting skeletal Class I and Class II, in the age group from seven to thirteen years, presenting the same phases of maturation of the cervical vertebraes respectively. Methods: the sample was formed by 160 radiographics lateral cefalometrics of individuals without previous orthodontic or orthopedic facial treatment. Results: the results showed no statistical significant differences between the individuals with skeletal Class I and Class II, nor among the male and female genres. Just the variation of the Co-A measure in the phase 1 (initiation) of maturation of the cervical vertebraes was statistical smaller than the other phases (2, 3 and 4) in the two studied groups. Conclusions: with that, we concluded that so much individuals presenting skeletal Class I as Class II, of the male and female genres, they present similar maxilla length, not having influence of the phases of bone maturation of the cervical vertebraes.
Keywords: Maxillary length. Skeletal Class II. Bone age. Cervical vertebraes.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 22:35