
Palatine impacted permanent maxillary canines: diagnose and therapeutics

Mario CAPPELLETTE, Mario CAPPELLETTE JR., Luciana Cappellette Monteiro FERNANDES, Arnaldo Pinto de OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Hatsue YAMAMOTO, Flávio Toshiki SHIDO, Walter Cerveira de OLIVEIRA

The teeth follow a favorable sequence of eruption on the development of a normal occlusion, but some disturbance of that mechanism at the period of transition of the mixed denture for the permanent one, may provoke alterations in the sequence or even in the eruption path, resulting in impactation of teeth. The permanent maxillary canine, after the third molars, is the most commonly impacted tooth, especially at the palatine area, even though enough space be present for its alignment in the dental arcade. If a precocious diagnosis is not possible, efforts should be used for replace the tooth in the dental arch avoiding its extraction, because its importance for the aesthetic balance and the functional occlusion. The not diagnosed or inadequately negotiated cases may incur mechanical, infectious or neoplasics disturbances. The prognostic depends on the position of the maxillary canine with relation to the adjacent structures and to the possibility of orthodontic movement. The present work approaches the main factors to be considered in the cases of impacted permanent maxillary canine, such as eruption process, etiology, diagnosis and a proper way of palatal impacted canines traction used by ower orthodontic team. A clinical case will also be presented which opted for a surgical-orthodontic treatment, showing a traction technique which have been demonstrated quite efficient in palatal impacted canines cases.

Keywords: Maxillary canine impactation. Etiology. Impactation of teeth.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:54