Carla Peixoto VALLADARES, Mônica Simões ISRAEL, José Wilson NOLETO, Cícero Luiz Sousa BRAGA, Simone de Queiroz Chaves LOURENÇO, Eliane Pedra DIAS
Introduction: simple bone cyst (traumatic bone cyst, hemorrhagic bone cyst, solitary bone cyst) is a non-neoplastic lesion which represents about 1% of all maxillary cysts, found mainly in mandibular body and symphysis. It is an intraosseous cavity covered by thin, loose fibrous connective tissue, without epithelial lining. Simple bone cysts are asymptomatic and are commonly found in routine radiographic examination as a well defined unilocular radiolucent lesion. Its etiopathogenesis remains obscure, but the local trauma is frequently related to its occurrence. Objective: this article reports two cases of simple bone cyst found in routine radiographic examination of orthodontic treated patients. Case report and discussion: in both cases, the clinical diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy and histological examination. The patients underwent surgical exploration and a radiographic follow up showed evidence of local healing. This study discuss if there is a relationship between the orthodontic trauma and the occurrence of simple bone cyst in these patients, or if it represents an incidental finding, since they are most frequently submitted to radiographic examination.
Keywords: Simple bone cyst. Trauma. Orthodontic treatment.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:44