Edmilsson Pedro JORGE, Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JÚNIOR, Odilon GUARIZA FILHO, Anibal Benedito Batista Arrais Torres de CASTRO
The aim of the present investigation is to evalute the effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the upper airway. A clinical case is presented to describe how patients with atresic maxilla and reduced naso-respiratory function can have benefits from rapid maxillary expansion. In order to better understand the morphological alterations present in patients with respiratory disorders, it is necessary to understand the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. However, it is relevant to mention that this patient undergoes a multidisciplinary treatment, involving the orthodontist, the otorhinolaryngologist and the speech therapist.
Keywords: Nasoibroscopy. Rapid maxillary expansion. Buccopharynx. Nasopharynx. Nasorespiratory function. Upper airway.
Friday, December 27, 2024 14:05