Bernardo Quiroga SOUKI, Carlos Alexandre CAMARA, Carlos Jorge VOGEL, José Maurício de Barros VIEIRA, Roberto Mario Amaral LIMA FILHO, Weber URSI
I met James A. McNamara Jr. in the late 70’s when we both became full members of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists - Midwest. Jim is one of the most active members, always looking on to break boundaries with new works. During over 30 years, I saw him being presented with all the existing awards and honors in the field of orthodontics. Knowing his ability and persistence, I’m sure that if in the future other awards are instituted, Jim will be there to, with all merits, conquer them. It is fortunate to have a family that supports and encourages: his wife Charlene, who accompanies him on every trip, and Laurie, his daughter and colleague, now a partner in his clinic. In addition to Orthodontics, he is passionate about golf and photography. My sincere thanks to colleagues Bernardo Quiroga Souki, José Maurício Vieira de Barros, Roberto Mario Amaral Lima Filho, Weber Ursi, and Carlos Alexandre Câmara, who accepted the invitation to prepare questions that facilitated the development of the script of this interview. I hope that readers will experience the same pleasure and satisfaction I felt, when reading the answers. Jim was able to show growth and maturity of his clinical career, based on scientific evidence, with a clarity and simplicity that makes him, besides clinician and researcher emeritus, one of the best speakers of our time. I thank the Dental Press for the opportunity to conduct this interview and wish you all a good reading. Carlos Jorge Vogel
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:53