Elaine Cristina da Silva BARROS, Marielly Damiana Oliveira de CARVALHO, Karina Corrêa Flexa Ribeiro MELLO, Patrícia BOTELHO, David NORMANDO
Objective: To assess differences in how orthodontists and laypersons perceive a reduction in dentogingival display on smiling. Methods: Sixty examiners from both genders (30 laypersons and 30 orthodontists) evaluated photographs of spontaneous smiles of two subjects , one male and one female. Based on the original images, smile height was modified by means of an image manipulation software program. The examiners assigned scores ranging from 0 to 10, according to the level of pleasantness. Method reproducibility was examined using the Wilcoxon test, while the Friedman and Wilcoxon tests (p < 0.05) were employed to observe intra- and interexaminer differences, respectively. Results: No differences were found between the groups of examiners - in terms of esthetics - in response to changes in smile height of both genders . However,men smile had lower acceptability than the women smile. A mild reduction in dentogingival display on smiling (2 mm) was not perceived by either laypersons or orthodontists (p > 0.05). Conclusions: women smiles achieved higher scores than men smiles however, samples involving a larger number of subjects in each group are required to ensure whether or not this finding is linked to the subjects gender.
Keywords: Esthetic Dentistry. Gingiva. Orthodontics. Smile.
How to cite: Barros ECS, Carvalho MDO, Mello KCFR, Botelho P, Normando D. The ability of orthodontists and laypeople in the perception of gradual reduction of dentogingival exposure while smiling. Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Sept-Oct;17(5):81-6.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 04:36