Júlia Olien SANCHES, Lourdes Aparecida Martins dos SANTOS-PINTO, Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Betina GREHS, Fabiano JEREMIAS
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare dental size measurements, their reproducibility and the application of Tanaka and Johnston regression equation in predicting the size of canines and premolars on plaster and digital dental casts. Methods: Thirty plaster casts were scanned and digitized. Mesiodistal measurements of the teeth were then performed with a digital caliper on the plaster and digital casts using O3d sotware system (Widialabs©).The sum of the sizes of the lower incisors was used to obtain predictive values of the sizes of the premolars and canines using the regression equation, and these values were compared with the actual sizes of the teeth. The data were statistically analyzed by applying to the results Pearson’s correlation test, Dahlberg’s formula, paired t-test and analysis of variance (p<0.05). Results: Excellent intraexaminer agreement was observed in the measurements performed on both dental casts. No random error was present in the measurements obtained with the caliper and systematic error (bias) was more frequent in the digital casts. Space prediction obtained by applying the regression equation was greater than the sum of the canines and premolars on the plaster and digital casts. Conclusions: Despite an adequate reproducibility of the measurements performed on both casts, most measurements on the digital casts were higher than those on the plaster casts. The predicted space was overestimated in both models and signiicantly higher in the digital casts.
Keywords: Three-dimensional image. Dental casts. Test reproducibility.
How to cite: Sanches JO, Santos-Pinto LAM, Santos-Pinto A, Grehs B, Jeremias F. Comparison of space analysis in plaster dental casts and digital models applying Tanaka and Johnston’s equation. Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 Jan-Feb;18(1):128-33.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:59