

An interview with Adilson Luiz Ramos

Ary dos SANTOS-PINTO, Daniela Gamba GARIB, Marcio Rodrigues ALMEIDA, Marcos JANSON

A long-standing friend. Twenty years ago, we started the Orthodontics program at the State University of Maringá, and I am still surprised by his huge cultural background, his ability to deal with problems and his endless concerns to avoid hurting people’s feelings. Our students say that he knows everything from Quantum Physics to Statistics, from Microbiology to Physiology, from Bossa Nova to iPhones and iPads. He was the editor of Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics between 2003 and 2006, and during this period, the periodical was indexed in SciELO, Scientiic Electronic Library Online (FAPESP— Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo). We will be eternally thankful for his dedication which was essential to consolidate the periodical in an international scenario. He is a perfectionist orthodontist who has got a huge number of adult patients under multidisciplinary treatment. A researcher who carefully designs his works and advises his students. A professor who is greatly admired by his students and colleagues. A reference for any professor working at our institution. A passionate husband and a father who is absolutely dedicated to his two beautiful daughters. A friend for a lifetime. Laurindo Furquim

How to cite: Ramos AL. Interview. Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 Sept-Oct;18(5):14-31.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:59