

Applicability of Moyers analysis in mixed dentition: A systematic review

Mariana de Aguiar Bulhões GALVÃO, Gladys Cristina DOMINGUEZ, Sérgio Thomaz TORMIN, Alex AKAMINE, André TORTAMANO, Solange Mongelli de FANTINI

Introduction: Moyers analysis is widely used for analyzing mixed dentition, however, the accuracy of its theoretical probability tables has been recently questioned. Taking into consideration the fact the mixed dentition analysis is of paramount importance to precisely determine the space needed for alignment of canines and premolars, this research aimed at objectively assessing in the literature such an important step for orthodontic diagnosis. Methods: A computerized search involving articles published on PubMed and Lilacs between 1990 and September, 2011 was conducted in accordance with the method described in the Cochrane 5.1.0 handbook. Results: The research resulted in a sample composed of 629 articles. The inclusion criteria were: Articles using the Moyers analysis with a sample greater or equal to 40 patients. Conversely, the exclusion criteria were: Dental casts of patients with syndromes or oral cleft, researches conducted with a literature review, only, or clinical case reports and researches conducted before 1990. For this systematic review, 19 articles were selected. Conclusion: Based on the literature available, we can conclude that the Moyers mixed dentition analysis must be carefully used, since the majority of the articles analyzed showed that the probability of 75% was not as accurate as expected, leading to the need of adapting the probability levels depending on the study population.

Keywords: Mixed dentition. Malocclusion. Dental eruption.

How to cite: Galvão MAB, Dominguez GC, Tormin ST, Akamine A, Tortamano A, Fantini SM. Applicability of Moyers analysis in mixed dentition: A systematic review. Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 Nov-Dec;18(6):100-5.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:39