

An interview with Kotaro Tanimoto

Emanuel BRAGA, Fernando HABIB, Márcio LISBOA

If I had to describe Tanimoto Sensei using a single word I would say kindness. When I was attending the PhD course in Hiroshima University, I frequently looked at him and thought: “If I have the chance to be an educator, I would like to be like that man.” The generosity, respect and friendship he employed to treat the students is fascinating. By that time, Professor Tanimoto had just come back from his post-doc in the USA full of ideas and dreams. Since that, many of the ideas had become projects and many of the projects had become a real benefit for the patients. Tanimoto Sensei has an extensive and relevant scientific production and some of them are described in the next pages. I believe this interview is especially interesting because it is enriching to know how professors from the other side of the globe conduct orthodontic education and science. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the other professors that assisted in this article and to Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics for the opportunity to conduct the present interview with Professor Tanimoto, a great friend of mine. Emanuel Braga – interview coordinator

How to cite: Tanimoto K. An interview with Kotaro Tanimoto. Dental Press J Orthod. 2016 July-Aug;21(4):24-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2177-6709.21.4.024-033.int

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:39